About the Event

Join us Thursday, January 25th at 10:00 a.m. for the congressional staff briefing, "Understanding the Brain Science of Addiction."
Speakers will examine what science tells us about how addiction can hijack the brain, and what this means for effectively treating and preventing substance use disorders. 
  • Jessica Hulsey Nickel, President and CEO, Addiction Policy Forum
  • Dr. Maureen Boyle, Chief Scientific Officer, Addiction Policy Forum

Honorary Co-Host:
  • Addiction Treatment and Recovery Caucus
  • Rayburn House Office Building
    • Room: 2103

About the Addiction Treatment and Recovery Caucus

Opioid deaths have surpassed 30,000 for the first time in history, while nearly 88,000 people die from alcohol-related causes each year. Substance abuse costs our nation $600 billion in health care, criminal justice, and lost productivity costs, but that is nothing compared to the toll it takes on our families and friends.  Preventing the further spread of this epidemic is essential to our nation’s complete recovery. 

The Addiction, Treatment and Recovery Caucus aims to stop these devastating trends by bringing awareness to this cause and changing the stigma associated with addiction and mental illness.